Breaking Dawn by Stephenie Meyer

Summary of Breaking Dawn

Breaking Dawn begins with the wedding of Bella and Edward. Bella has wanted Edward to change her to a vampire for a while now, so they have compromised. He will change her, but only after they are married and have a real honeymoon. Of course, nothing ever seems to go the way these two plan it. On the honeymoon Bella gets sick and discovers that she is pregnant.
Being pregnant by a vampire is not the same as a human pregnancy. The fetus is very strong and is growing rapidly. As Bella fights to stay alive throughout the pregnancy, Edward and Jacob worry about her deteriorating health. After the baby is born, another vampire believes the baby is an immortal, and immortal babies are very dangerous. This results in a visit from the Volturi. The Volturi are the head vampires and they enforce the laws that have been laid out to prevent vampires from being discovered. Edward and Bella have to protect their daughter and convince the Volturi that she is not a danger to others and that their secret identity is not in jeopardy.
Review –
With the movie coming out next November, I spent the week-end re-reading Breaking Dawn for the third time and I’m very anxious to see how the director will depict the pregnancy, Bella’s body changes and the birth.  Everyone is worried about the honeymoon scene being too racy-I think that would be the least of their problems because the other scenes will be bloody and gory so I guess we will see a lot of special effects. Either way I can’t wait.